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How we're keeping our community safe during COVID-19

✅Fitness classes are held outdoors.



✅Physical therapy, fitness classes, and personal training are by reservation only.



✅Occupancy of spaces is limited to 50% to maintain at least a 6-foot physical distance at all times.



✅All patrons are required to wear cloth face coverings 😷. Only individuals who have been instructed not to wear a face covering by their medical provider are exempt from wearing one.



✅Contactless payment and check-in systems are in place or, if not feasible, systems are sanitized regularly.



✅Frequent disinfecting of commonly used surfaces, including personal exercise machines and equipment, doorknobs, and hand washing facilities.



✅Hand sanitizer, tissues and trash cans are available to the public in the outdoor gym/fitness establishment space.



✅All employees have been told not to come to work if sick, or if they are exposed to a person who has COVID19



✅Employees are instructed to wash or replace their face coverings daily



Read the full protocol here

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